The first catechists in any child’s life are the family members with whom he or she lives. What happens at home – both positive and negative – provides lessons for life. In the family, faith is shared as part of the unfolding of daily life. The home or “domestic church” provides a real place in which a child learns to live his or her faith as well as understanding it.
-Traditional religious education classes for grades K-8 will start on Wednesday, October 9. Classes will be held in the parish center from 4:30pm-5:30pm. Sacrament preparation for first reconciliation and confirmation/first communion will start on Wednesday, September 11. The Sacrament preparation is offered in person and will take place as part of the 2nd and 3rd grade classes respectively.
In-home religious education and sacrament preparation will be offered for K-8. The start date for this program will coincide with the classroom dates, so that students engaged in both models will be on the same schedule and able to celebrate the sacraments together.
Please pick up a form at church, the parish office or give us a call at (603) 622-6510.
Click below and download.