“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.”
1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Our Parish offers many different opportunities for returning our gifts of time and talent to God. As stewards of God-given skills and abilities, volunteering in a ministry or organization provides a way to thank God, share our faith with others, and enhance our community.
Cub Scout – Pack 290
Cub Scout Pack 290 is part of the Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). We are an all-boy pack for ages 5 to 10 years of age or kindergarten through fifth grade, and their families.
Our Scouts learn at an early age to live by the twelve points of the Scout Law by being Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent. By following each of these points, a Scout acts with integrity and becomes a role model for all those they are around.
We are all about encouraging boys to make friends, be helpful to others, and do their best no matter the outcome. With the help of powerful learning projects and exciting outdoor activities, we aim to teach children that doing their best can be a fun and rewarding experience—no matter the difficulty of the challenge.
Pack 290 meets every Wednesday from 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm in the Church Hall. Feel free to attend one of our den meetings to meet our Leaders, ask questions and join in on a fun activity. You may also reach out to our Pack Committee Chair, Brian Soucy at [email protected] or our Cubmaster, Matt Rosenberg at [email protected]
Boy Scout Troop 290 was started in 1957, shortly after the formation of St. Pius X Parish. It is one of the longest tenured parish ministries.
Baden Paden described Scouting as a game with a purpose. For over 100 years, the ideals of Scouting have remained the same; to assist in character development, provide citizenship training and to promote mental and physical fitness.
Scouting is all about the outing which means getting out into the outdoors through monthly camping trips, activities and even troop meetings that are held at Camp Carpenter in May and June. The troop is a boy run troop where the boys are given opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills as they progress through Scouting.
Boy Scouts subscribes to a “duty to God” and reinforces that belief in the Scout Law with the 12th point being Reverent. Troop 290 is open to boys of all faiths and every opportunity is given for boys to learn about their own faith. Being a Catholic sponsored troop, we attend the annual Catholic Scout Retreat and participate in Mass on Scout Sunday together.
The highest achievement in Boy Scouts is the rank of Eagle Scout. Troop 290 has presented over 55 Scouts with this award. Their pictures are on display in the Church Hall.
Boy Scouts is open to boys who are age 11 or completed 5th grade and have not reached their 18th birthday. For more information about Boy Scouts or to arrange a visit with the troop, please contact Scoutmaster Mr. Jean Martel at 603-540-8372
Friends of St. Vincent de Paul
The mission of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is to provide corporal works of mercy to the parishioners of St. Pius X parish and our neighbors in a confidential and discreet manner. If you need assistance, please contact the pantry or parish office at (603) 625-6775 or (603) 622-6510.
Food Pantry
If you or someone you know is in need of food please call 625-6775. Food is distributed by special appointment only.
The Parish Nurse Program
The Parish Nurse program strives to provide support and helpful information regarding health issues. The program offers special educational programs on some occasions, and weekly blood pressure screenings. The Parish Nurse meets most Friday mornings at 9:00 in the Parish Center. Please check the calender for meeting dates or for more information, please call
CMC Parish nurse main office—Tue, Wed, Thu 9 AM-3 PM
LET’S “KNIT TOGETHER” Do you like to knit or crochet?
If so, then St. Pius X’s ministry, “Knit Together," is for you. If you are a knitter, or someone who crochets, we invite you to join us! Yarn will be provided if you need it.
We are a fun group and we always welcome new members.
Check our calendar for the next meeting.
Come for an hour, or stay for two!
Please e-mail Carol Croteau at
[email protected]
with any questions or
for further information.
Outreach Ministry
A Giving Tree for providing Christmas Gifts for the less fortunate is sponsored by the Outreach Committee.
If you would like to part of the Outreach Ministry please contact Sarah Compagna at (603) 540-1468 or Linda Gagne at (603) 674-0215.